Sunday, 1 November 2015

October - learning to ride a unicycle

I knew I would be spending the whole of October in Cambridge, so I sat down in the pub with some friends after I had moved here and floated some ideas for challenges. 
After some impractical suggestions, someone mentioned a unicycle. Darn it! I thought - that sounds perfect....

The next challenge was to find someone to help me. A quick search sent me to the Cambridge community circus club, who I then popped in to see the last week in September. They were very helpful and I started going every Wednesday. 

I thought I was making progress in week 3, but only because I'd managed to create a corridor or chairs for me to unicycle down. A bit more confidence and I let go, only to fall and get pretty bruised (see bruise development below).

With one week to go, I took the unicycle home. With no luck on my own, I resorted to my faithful sidekick - and, with the sun setting on October, here is the final result...