This is a long overdue post due to finishing the race and heading straight off to Rio for a conference, coming back and starting a placement in Cambridge straight away.
I did have people to blame for this, who had signed up with me - but only one had made it to the start line! So Dom and I distracted ourselves from the cold and crowds of rucksack laden runners to get some awesome views from the top of the castle. An hour or so later and it was time to start.
But I felt comfortable and I kept going. 13 miles in and the climb up Snowdon began. My speed walking up hill is well practised and I overtook a few guys who I had been running at the same pace as on the flat.
After getting kitted up into the harness and helmet, it was my turn to lean back off the bridge. I was surprised as I felt OK lowering myself down.
But here it is....
On September the 5th, I was up before the crack of dawn at the base of Snowdon in Llanberis ready to catch a bus to Canaerfon castle. I was about to embark on a 23 mile "race" up and down Snowdon, before emerging at the start of an obstacle course.

I was in the 3rd wave, and soon realised that I was the fastest woman in this wave. I began to catch those in the previous two waves pretty quickly, and was running really well. Having never run this far in my entire life, I was cautious of starting off too quickly.

The top was cloudy, but just beneath it the views were phenomenal. Maybe I got distracted as I took a tumble close to the top on the way down. Just some cuts and bruises and so I was quickly back on my feet, trying to relax as I ran down.
After dropping my rucksack, sunglasses and anything else I didn't want ending up in the water-based obstacles, we were sent up the "vertical kilometre". I knew the women's record was achievable and according to my watch I had almost made it!
I was then expecting to turn the corner and find the next challenge: the abseil, but it was another TWO MILES of running away. This was when we ran further than the advertised 20 miles race distance.
Arriving at the queue for the abseil, the timing chips were stopped and everyone was relaxed and chatting. Most were amazed that they'd made it that far, but lots of smiles.

We then had to run with our kit uphill to give it back, and then it was time for the water obstacles. The first one was a disaster. It involved walking the plank over a lake. This is when my fear of heights took over. I got up to the scaffolding, but then stopped and started shaking. And then crying. Despite a lot of encouragement, I just couldn't do it. I climbed down a level and pushed myself into the water off the base of the scaffold.
Once in the water I was fine! The rest of the obstacles were OK, until we came up against the 7 foot walls at the end. My lack of both height and upper body strength left me stuck on the non-finish side of the walls...
Luckily some very helpful spectator gave me a leg up and I was able to finish!
I found my dry clothes, changed and sheltered next to a heater with some soup. I late discovered that Dom had damaged his knee at the top, having to get the train down :-(
I also discovered that I finished in 3rd place!
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